CEO & Founder's Message
Welcome to Clearpath Discovery, where your path matters. My vision has always been to help people get to the next level of success. Whether it's knowledge, mentoring, networking, or through my philanthropy efforts. I believe God place me on Earth to connect people as they come across my path in life. First it was helping my two daughters find their own path. And then the vision just took off helping all over the United States. Because at the end of the day these are our future doctors, engineers, airplane pilots, actors, and successful business leaders of the world.
I believe we all have a vision in life to be successful and give back. When I look back over my life I didn't get here by accident. I chose to change my mindset and say to myself anything is possible if you just believe. Doors may be closed, opportunities are few, but TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS REQUIRED! Join me on this movement and change the mindset of the next generation.